Just six months ago I was in Orlando, Florida taking a vacation, enjoying the sites, the food, and the hotel pool.  During my week in Orlando, I would drive to the various “tourist” places, and see the land […]
For the past few weeks I have heard varying statements in regards to the quickly passed legislative writing we have all come to know as House Bill 2 (further to be known as HB2).  Now, I think we […]
In my last post about the water massacre in Flint, Michigan, I state that I would find information on how we, in Western North Carolina.  I was able to find information from the Michigan Area Annual Conference in […]
I have been struggling in a real way recently.  I think of scriptures such as Micah 6:6-8, 6 With what should I approach the Lord         and bow down before God on high? Should I come before him with entirely […]
Have you ever wondered where and what a pastor does on vacation?  In short, pretty much the same thing that anyone else does on vacation: relaxing and rejuvenation.  So, the more appropriate question would probably be: “why does […]


This week The Belwood Charge began its 2015 Advent Sermon Series based on the scriptures used within Handel’s “Messiah.”  The “Messiah” is a oratorio, meaning it is a large religious based musical composition.  Because there is not enough […]
It is not often that I am able to take some time to just “read for fun” (who does that anyway – no offense to those of you that do).  I guess having been in some form of […]
“He has told you, human one, what is good and what the Lord requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) This month’s newsletter article is not filled with pretty graphics, […]
This morning was the commissioning worship service for provisional membership as an elder in the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church.  For the past few days people have been asking if I was excited and […]


During our two sessions, Bishop Larry Goodpaster requested that the laity and clergy give him permission to speak on our behalf, to send condolence, and solidarity to our AME brothers and sisters in Charleston.  Through fighting back tears, […]